Why do Senior Product Owners focus on the Problem Space?

David Theil
7 min readJan 29, 2024

In the last article, we explored the different maturity levels of the Product Owner role. I made a point that maturity is defined by experience gained, skills built, and focus and time spent. In this article, we will now look at the difference between a Senior Product Owner on the one hand and a Proxy or Scribe Product Owner on the other. We will clarify why Senior Product Owners can and do focus more on the Problem Space.

“You can do a job for 30 years, and don’t learn something. Then you can do a job for 10 years, learn lots of different tools, and skills, and have multiple new challenges to overcome. That is when you grow in your role and get mature.”


  • Difference between the focus, and experience of Senior Product Owners to Scribe or Proxy Product Owners
    - Scribe and Proxy Product Owner
    - Senior Product Owners
  • Growing: Different skills with a different focus
  • How to Grow and where are the challenges?
    - Growing as a Proxy Product Owner or a Scribe Product Owner
    - Growing into the Senior Product Owner position, or a new product Team of a new organization
  • Focus on the solution space vs. building systems

Difference between the focus, and experience of Senior Product Owners to Scribe or Proxy Product Owners

