7 Advantages of agile Leadership using Objectives and Key-Results

David Theil
6 min readJan 25, 2022

Agile leadership using OKRs offers numerous advantages. In the following blog post, I would like to briefly discuss the top seven benefits that I believe most influence an organization:

  1. Clear priorities and free implementation
  2. Transparency on all levels of the company and across silos
  3. Measurement of progress for motivation and leadership
  4. Easy reprioritization and adaptation to new insights and environmental influences
  5. OKRs as a management method
  6. Clear communication is encouraged alignment is ensured.
  7. OKRs map “must have”-objectives and ambitious strategic objectives

1. Clear priorities and free implementation

When the top management of a company has formulated clear OKRs, they reflect the highest priority in the company. The top OKRs are then used as the orientation for all employees to align their team OKRs with these top OKRs. This is a top-down approach. At the same time, however, the OKR method enables a bottom-up flow of information, task ownership by the team, and self-organization.

2. Transparency at all levels of the organization and across…

